Singles! What better way to level up your dating skills than by practicing them in an actual relationship?!
What better way to level up your dating skills than by practicing them in an actual relationship?!
"I want to thank all the women in the program... when I don't see brilliance in myself, they see beauty and tenderness"
There’s an old joke out there that goes:
“They say when you get married, you actually get three rings. The engagement ring, the wedding ring… and the suffering.”
Well, they also say that behind every good joke lies a layer of truth.
Now, I’m not implying that marriage is the death of happiness or anything like that. The reason the joke works is because it plays off of something we all know to be true…
Co-creating any kind of successful romantic relationship is tough.
Feeling powerless around attracting your dream partner is tough.
Dealing with rejection (and the accompanying sense of unworthiness) is tough.
Breaking free from old relationship patterns is tough.
Opening your heart to love again after you’ve been hurt is tough.
Finding the courage to express your authentic self is tough.
Moving on after a heart-rending breakup is tough.
Getting back in the “dating game” after being single/taken for a long time? Yep, you guessed it – tough.
I could keep going, but you get the point.
Dating is hard. But it can be easy…
If you take the time to master key relationship skills and dissolve the fears holding you back.
Unfortunately, the best way to level up like that… is by working on these things in an actual relationship.
Quite the catch-22 isn’t it?
But what if you were able to take part in a series of low-pressure “practice” relationships…
In which there was no such thing as failure – only learning and growth?
What if you had a playground in which you could explore different relationship dynamics…
And have whatever kind of relationship you need to elevate your love life forever?
What if you had a whole community of people to help you identify your relational blindspots…
So you could completely reinvent who you are as a date, a partner, and a person?
“But Guy, where on earth would I be able to experience something like that?? It doesn’t exist!”
Correction – it didn’t exist.
Until we came up with our craziest, most revolutionary idea yet…
Welcome to the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™!
"It's magical when you can have a relationship with someone who's in the same channel that you are"
During the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™, you’ll be paired off (either by choice or random drawing) into a series of relationships with different partners. (We gender balance every cohort, to ensure an equal number of men paired with women)
Each relationship has a set start and end date, so there’s no long-term commitment involved (although you can reconnect after the program is over). Meaning, there’s no pressure to impress your partner or “make things work.”
Instead, the goal is to learn, heal, and grow into a better partner/person.
And you won’t be doing it alone. In fact, you’ll have a whole community of people supporting you every step of the way…
Including our expert team of coaches, who will facilitate your transformation through many of our more advanced exercises.
And best of all, your partners will be genuinely excited to evolve with you. So they’ll be there to encourage you and share in your struggles and breakthroughs.
"I understood here that I didn't need to shrink my desire. There was nothing wrong with my desire!"
The90-Day Relationship Experiment™ is for you if you want to:
These days the struggle to meet someone you genuinely connect with can be incredibly frustrating.
In this new world of online dating…
Ghosting has become so commonplace it can mislead you into thinking there must be something wrong with you. But the reality is, it’s never been harder to hold people’s attention.
And it’s easy for your life to feel empty when you know you have so much love to give…
But nobody to give it to.
Especially if you’re surrounded by friends who are all either in relationships or happily married.
But here’s the problem…
Whenever we’re faced with a strong sense of lack, the thing that we desire tends to become even more elusive.
On the other hand, when we feel a sense of abundance around something, that area of our life tends to expand.
The 90-Day Relationship Experiment™ will allow you to tap into the mindset of being in a healthy relationship…
So you can feel it being part of your life already. And the confidence and clarity you gain from that experience will turn you into a magnet for future love and connection.
Plus, by evolving into a more loving and skilled partner yourself…
You’ll naturally start to attract partners who are on that same level. We’re talking quality partners who are grounded, emotionally intelligent, and most importantly…
Highly committed to unlocking new levels of personal growth together as a couple.
(Who knows… you might even meet your dream partner during the experiment itself!)
[On feeling intimidated by certain women]
"I wasn't even aware that was a thing. But maybe it's not a thing anymore"
One of the biggest barriers to co-creating the intimacy you soul craves is the fear of not being enough.
Because when you start to subconsciously question whether you’re truly worthy of love and acceptance…
It can cause you to:
• Shy away from pursuing romantic connections with amazing people because you see them as “out of your league”
• Shy away from pursuing romantic connections with amazing people because you see them as “out of your league”
• Spiral into a cascade of negative self-talk whenever a partner pulls away or rejects your desire
• Spiral into a cascade of negative self-talk whenever a partner pulls away or rejects your desire
• Compromise on your needs and boundaries in order to keep your partner/date happy
• Compromise on your needs and boundaries in order to keep your partner/date happy
• Shut down around the possibility of finding/sustaining intimacy
• Shut down around the possibility of finding/sustaining intimacy
• Sabotage your relationships (sometimes without even realizing) when things are going well
• Sabotage your relationships (sometimes without even realizing) when things are going well
During the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™, you’ll get to hear other people open up about their self-doubts. About all the ways they struggle with their own self-worth.
And it’ll give you the permission (and the inspiration) to do the same.
At which point, your community will be there to listen and receive you who are without judgment.
Your relationship partners will be there to shower you with love and put a spotlight on strengths you didn’t know you had.
Your coaches will be there to guide you in clearing anything that may be casting a dark cloud over your self-esteem.
And all of that will reinforce the fact that:
So instead of settling for partners who don’t fulfill your desires…
You’ll be empowered to co-create the kind of intimacy you really want – without having to fight through feelings of insecurity at every turn.
In other words, you’ll finally be free to let go and have fun with your dating life!
"Earlier this year, I wasn't feeling so great about myself. And now I'm like 'I am a f**king catch!"
If you’ve been single or taken for a long time…
Then the prospect of dipping your toes back into the dating pool can come with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.
Where do you even start? How do you know if you’re ready to date again? What if you’ve forgotten (or never learned) the “rules” of the dating game?
Well, if we expand upon the analogy of dating as a “game”...
It’s common for athletes coming off a long injury to play in a series of no-contact scrimmages, as a risk-free way to:
The 90-Day Relationship Experiment™ operates in much the same way.
You’ll get to ease back into dating in a low-pressure way – without the risk of being seriously hurt.
But more importantly, you’ll receive extensive live coaching and guidance on how to use this experience as a training ground…
To prepare yourself for re-entering the real dating world.
Plus, you’ll have the support of your entire cohort AND the encouragement of your partners to uplift you…
As you slowly reinvent yourself until you actually feel excited to date again!
"For me, it's been about pushing boundaries. Where can I take a risk? Where can I be more vulnerable?"
Relationships these days often come with a high cost of failure.
The thought of losing “the one”...
The thought of missing out on your last chance at love…
The thought of wasting years of your life in a relationship only for it to end in heartbreak…
It can be enough to scare us into “playing it safe.” Because when the stakes are that high, why would you practice relating/communicating in ways that are outside your comfort zone?
After all, whenever you try anything for the first time, you’re bound to get it wrong. So why risk embarrassing yourself or messing things up?
It’s this high cost of failure that limits people from expanding their skillset in a relationship. Especially when it comes to things they have little to no experience with.
On the other hand…
The 90-Day Relationship Experiment™ gives you free rein to practice key skills like:
• Communicating your boundaries and desires
• Communicating your boundaries and desires
• Taking a leadership role in a relationship
• Taking a leadership role in a relationship
• Balancing your needs with those of your partner
• Balancing your needs with those of your partner
• Opening up and being vulnerable in a way that deepens connection
• Opening up and being vulnerable in a way that deepens connection
• Holding the masculine or feminine pole on a date or in a relationship
• Holding the masculine or feminine pole on a date or in a relationship
• Energetic techniques for regulating your partner’s nervous system (as well as your own)
• Energetic techniques for regulating your partner’s nervous system (as well as your own)
And it’s because it provides a container in which mistakes aren’t just tolerated, but encouraged.
Combine that with the mentorship you’ll be getting from our experienced coaches…
(Not to mention being able to learn from the mistakes and triumphs of your cohort mates… that’s the beauty of taking part in a growth-oriented community!)
And you’ll have everything you need to master new dating skills in record time.
As a result, you’ll develop an unshakeable sense of confidence around everything you bring to the table in a relationship – something your future dates will find irresistible.
"I learned that there's always a different chapter, a different way to connect that we can bring into our relationship"
Now you might be thinking to yourself…
If I’m taking part in all these relationships, does that mean I have to go through a bunch of breakups?
Well… yes and no. You see, in the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™, we don’t really do breakups. We “break upwards” instead!
“Breaking upwards” is a special relationship completion practice that we teach inside the program. Here’s a handy little chart that outlines the main differences between this technique and your average breakup:
The cool thing about “breaking upwards” is that you can do it anytime after your relationship ends. So not only can this practice help you avoid the usual post-breakup downwards spiral…
But you can also use it if you’re currently stuck in a breakup rut, to reinfuse your life with meaning and excitement.
"I came from an extreme fear of men... my body was viscerally shifting and flushing out those old patterns"
When it comes to dating, there’s always an emotional script running in the background.
Your subconscious mind has a script for how relationships work. It has one for what love should feel like. It even has one that outlines exactly what you can expect from the people you’re attracted to.
The problem is that these scripts are often based on past relationship dynamics and relational trauma. They’re based on what we’re already most familiar with.
As a result, they can keep you stuck re-enacting the same harmful patterns, such as:
• Anxiously expecting disappointment, rejection, or betrayal when things are “too good to be true”
• Anxiously expecting disappointment, rejection, or betrayal when things are “too good to be true”
• Attracting partners who are emotionally unavailable or don’t have the capacity to meet your needs
• Attracting partners who are emotionally unavailable or don’t have the capacity to meet your needs
• Closing yourself off from intimacy/vulnerability to protect yourself from being hurt
• Closing yourself off from intimacy/vulnerability to protect yourself from being hurt
• Attracting partners who are extremely possessive, and/or controlling
• Attracting partners who are extremely possessive, and/or controlling
• Turning people off by becoming overly attached within the first few weeks of meeting
• Turning people off by becoming overly attached within the first few weeks of meeting
The other problem is that these patterns can be extremely hard to break – even after spending years (and tens of thousands of dollars) in therapy.
Because the “stuck” energy from your past relational experiences often gets trapped DEEP in your nervous system.
So deep that it can only be accessed (and released) after it’s been “triggered” by an interaction in your relational life.
That’s why the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™ is designed to gently bring your emotional blocks to the surface…
It also gives you the safe space (and guidance) you need to understand them, heal through them, and ultimately dissolve them.
So you can fully open yourself up to the blissful joy of giving and receiving love!
"I knew that it was a safe place to be triggered... and now I feel like I can be more myself without fear of judgment"
I created this program for two reasons. One is to provide an alternative framework to what I call "Terminal Relationships" and the second is something I call "Relationship By Lease." See the videos below for more info:
Group calls for coaching and community/support
**Every call is recorded so you don’t miss a thing. The pod call recordings will only be accessible to the members of your pod**
Every week, you’ll have the opportunity to attend two calls for coaching and community/support.
The first is our 90-minute coaching call, which includes everyone in your cohort. During these big group calls, our team of coaches will give you a variety of exercises and tools to facilitate your journey. These include:
• A heart-healing exercise (done with your partner) to help each other break through emotional blocks using the power of love
• A heart-healing exercise (done with your partner) to help each other break through emotional blocks using the power of love
• The multi-step practice of “breaking upwards” – transform your breakups into a source of confidence, love, and gratitude
• The multi-step practice of “breaking upwards” – transform your breakups into a source of confidence, love, and gratitude
• A guided meditation for feeling into what you currently need in a relationship to unlock your next big breakthrough
• A guided meditation for feeling into what you currently need in a relationship to unlock your next big breakthrough
• The Desire Game (played with your partner) – learn how to connect with your body’s desires so you can manifest them through intuition
• The Desire Game (played with your partner) – learn how to connect with your body’s desires so you can manifest them through intuition
• A somatic ritual for letting go of old relationship patterns
• A somatic ritual for letting go of old relationship patterns
And so much more!
The second is a 60-minute "pod call" of about dozen people. Each of our coaches will be holding 1-2 pod calls per week on different days and at different times. You’ll be able to choose which pod you want to join based on your schedule and/or the geographic location of the other pod members.
These calls allow you to connect with your fellow participants in a more intimate container…
So you can be held and energized by the collective support of the group!
Plus, you’ll get more individualized coaching to address any of the things you’re struggling with or feel stuck on.
"I felt so energized after every pod call... and so connected and so held and seen"
If you’d like more private coaching, you’ll be able to book UNLIMITED additional sessions at 40% off. (This offer is good for as long as you’re still a part of the program)
4 time-limited relationships
Throughout this experiment, you’ll get to take part in three 7-day relationships and one 21-day relationship. (Every cohort is gender-balanced to ensure an equal number of men paired with women).
Before every pairing, you’ll have the option of asking anyone in your cohort to be your partner. Otherwise, your partner will be chosen via a random draw.
Of course, the purpose of these relationships is to help each other grow. But besides having someone in your life to build you up…
You’ll also be able to confide in your partners and receive emotional comfort when you need it most.
After all, who doesn’t enjoy getting loved up after a long day/week?
Plus, we’ll be giving you several tools to help guide your relationships, such as:
• Our Relationship Container Agreement™ – to help you get clear on your relationship intentions, communicate your desires, and set boundaries
• Our Relationship Container Agreement™ – to help you get clear on your relationship intentions, communicate your desires, and set boundaries
• The Relationship Activity Guide™ – a list of fun, connection-building activities that you can try with your partner
• The Relationship Activity Guide™ – a list of fun, connection-building activities that you can try with your partner
• The Relationship Completion Report™ – to help you reflect on your experiences and internalize everything you learn from each relationship
• The Relationship Completion Report™ – to help you reflect on your experiences and internalize everything you learn from each relationship
"The leveling up consciously and the detoxing my body was doing was like... holy!"
The chance to grow in community
Despite its name, the 90-Day Relationship Experiment™ isn’t just an experiment. Our goal is to co-create a growth-oriented community of people supporting each other.
Because when you’re able to share your struggles with others…
It helps you realize that you’re not alone. That there’s people out there who understand exactly what you’re going through.
When you’re able to learn from the insights and experiences of others…
It allows you to evolve in ways that are beyond what you could achieve on your own.
And when you’re surrounded by people who love, motivate, and inspire you…
It gives you the emotional boost you need to overcome any obstacle in your way!
That’s the power of growing in community. And it’s something that you can continue to tap into even after the Relationship Experiment is over!
These screenshots were taken from inside our private Relationship Experiment Facebook Group (which you’ll be given access to once you join). This group is a judgment-free space where you can ask questions, read about other people’s experiences, and build long-lasting bonds with your cohort mates!
We’ll be throwing an in-person ceremony in NYC midway through the program! So you can meet up with all your new friends and practice partners :)
At the beginning of the experiment, we assign all our participants a Relationship Ally. This is a cohort mate of the same gender as you, whom you can confide in whenever you’d like an outside perspective on any of your relationships.
"The men in this program have been incredible at holding space. Like unbelievable. It almost made me speechless"
Weekly group lab calls (dating, skills building, core curriculum)
Your own dedicated dating coach for the full 90 days
Weekly dating coaching calls for individualized coaching and community support
Unlimited private coaching sessions at a heavily discounted rate
4 (or more) time-limited Experimental Relationships
Access to our Facebook group for more connection
Free ticket to our in-person ceremony in NYC
A Relationship Ally for the duration of the program
This is where we set the container and make our agreements. We'll get to know each other as a group through fun communication games. We'll also get to know each other as individuals, with relationship skill-building games played 1-on-1 in breakout rooms. So you’ll be learning and practicing while also building bonds with your cohort mates.
In the next 60 days, you'll have a total of 4 practice relationships: three 7-day relationships and one 21-day relationship. You’ll have the option of partnering via a random draw or choosing your partners directly.
You'll set intentions for what kind of relationship you'll create with each partner. You'll also receive our Relationship Activity Guide™, and decide on which activities you’d like to try together. During the coaching calls, you’ll be guided through some of our more advanced exercises, which you can practice 1-on-1 with your partner. After each relationship is complete, our coaches will show you how to “break upwards.”
NOTE: All lab calls are on Zoom at 2pm ET (11am PT)
• Sun, Apr 20 - Kickoff! 4 Dates + Introductions
• Sun, Apr 27 - 4 Dates + Masculine/Feminine Polarity
• Sun, May 4 - 4 Dates + Desire & Relationship Containers
• Sun, May 11 - 1st 7-Day Relationship
• Sun, May 18 - 1st Breaking Upwards™
• Sun, May 25 - 2nd 7-Day Relationship
• Sun, Jun 1 - 3rd 7-Day Relationship
• Sun, Jun 8 - Integration Week
• Sat, Jun 14 - In-Person Desire Lab (NYC)
• Sun, Jun 15 - 21-Day Relationship Begins!
• Sun, Jun 22 - Relationship Day 7 Practices
• Sun, Jun 29 - Relationship Day 14 Practices
• Sun, Jul 6 - Final Breaking Upwards™ Day!
• Sun, Jul 13 - Graduation Celebration & Integration
"He showed up so beautifully... and because of that I felt my energy shift - I was able to come back into connection"
"It just stretches you in so many ways... and you're able to practice anything you want to!"
No Refunds: We prioritize maintaining gender balance and limit attendance to ensure the best possible experience for all participants. Changes to enrollment significantly impact both participants and the program itself, as well as our facilitators' planning and preparation efforts for the high level of attention we place on each student. Consequently, we do not provide refunds for this program.
Transfers: In the event of unforeseen circumstances leading to a request for transfer to another cohort—such as schedule changes or life events—it is essential to communicate this to us before the cohort commences. In such cases, we may be able to arrange for your transfer to a future cohort. Please note that transfers will incur an administrative fee of $200 or more.
Disclaimer: The coaching provided within this program is not a substitute for therapy or mental health treatment. Our focus is on personal growth and relationship enhancement within a supportive community setting. Please consult a mental health professional to assess your readiness for this program.
No Refunds: We prioritize maintaining gender balance and limit attendance to ensure the best possible experience for all participants. Changes to enrollment significantly impact both participants and the program itself, as well as our facilitators' planning and preparation efforts for the high level of attention we place on each student. Consequently, we do not provide refunds for this program.
Transfers: In the event of unforeseen circumstances leading to a request for transfer to another cohort—such as schedule changes or life events—it is essential to communicate this to us before the cohort commences. In such cases, we may be able to arrange for your transfer to a future cohort. Please note that transfers will incur an administrative fee of $200 or more.
Disclaimer: The coaching provided within this program is not a substitute for therapy or mental health treatment. Our focus is on personal growth and relationship enhancement within a supportive community setting. Please consult a mental health professional to assess your readiness for this program.
Guy Shahar is the Co-Founder and Lead Facilitator of The Tantra Institute, and the originator of Tantra Speed Date®, one of the most unique and popular speed dating events in 45+ cities worldwide.
With numerous television appearances as well as features in Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Time Out New York, San Francisco Chronicle, The Sunday Times, and the New Yorker, The Tantra Institute has presented over 3,000 workshops serving more than 70,000 students.
Guy speaks, teaches, and coaches in New York and around the world. Guy most enjoys helping singles and couples have more intimacy, connection, and pleasure in their relationships and to be better lovers in all areas of life.
Guy Shahar is the Co-Founder and Lead Facilitator of The Tantra Institute, and the originator of Tantra Speed Date®, one of the most unique and popular speed dating events in 50+ cities worldwide.
With numerous television appearances as well as features in Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Time Out New York, San Francisco Chronicle, The Sunday Times, and the New Yorker, The Tantra Institute has presented over 5,000 workshops serving more than 100,000 students.
Guy speaks, teaches, and coaches in New York and around the world. Guy most enjoys helping singles and couples have more intimacy, connection, and pleasure in their relationships and to be better lovers in all areas of life.
Maya Kova has been studying modalities of conscious living & loving for the past 12 years, diving into the spiritual, emotional, sexual, and mental aspects of The Self. She is certified in Applied Positive Psychology, a Certified Tantra Educator, and trained in kundalini yoga, energy work, D/S arts and shamanism.
Rafael A. Martinez Certified Life Coach & OM Trainer, Artist & Teacher. Born in Pereira, Colombia, Rafael Martinez has lived as an artist in New York and San Francisco since arriving to the United States as a child. Martinez has studied scientific illustration at The Bronx High School of Science and Art Education at City College in Harlem, as well as Fresco restoration in Lorenzo de Medici school in Florence, Italy.
Deborah Tantra Kat is a certified Tantric Educator, Bondassage Trainer and Desire Coach, supporting great s*x and incredible relationships worldwide.
Marshall Graeber is a Sex & Relationship Coach, trained and certified Orgasmic Meditation Life Coach and Trainer. His specialty is in the emotional and energetic parts of intimate relationships. He helps guide men and women in getting connected to their bodies so that they can feel a sense of ease and confidence in expressing their desires and sexuality.
Marga Berlinski is an intimacy and relationship coach. She helps women, men and couples to feel confident, free and self-expressed in their love, relationships and intimacy. She offers a combination of coaching and powerful exercises to help you discover self-imposed constraints. She has been practicing for 15 years.
Each cohort is guided by a selection of the coaches listed below, though not every coach is present in every cohort. These are the regular leaders of the program.
Maya Kova has been studying modalities of conscious living & loving for the past 12 years, diving into the spiritual, emotional, sexual, and mental aspects of The Self. She is certified in Applied Positive Psychology, a Certified Tantra Educator, and trained in kundalini yoga, energy work, D/S arts and shamanism.
Rafael A. Martinez Certified Life Coach & OM Trainer, Artist & Teacher. Born in Pereira, Colombia, Rafael Martinez has lived as an artist in New York and San Francisco since arriving to the United States as a child. Martinez has studied scientific illustration at The Bronx High School of Science and Art Education at City College in Harlem, as well as Fresco restoration in Lorenzo de Medici school in Florence, Italy.
Deborah Tantra Kat is a certified Tantric Educator, Bondassage Trainer and Desire Coach, supporting great s*x and incredible relationships worldwide.
Marshall Graeber is a Sex & Relationship Coach, trained and certified Orgasmic Meditation Life Coach and Trainer. His specialty is in the emotional and energetic parts of intimate relationships. He helps guide men and women in getting connected to their bodies so that they can feel a sense of ease and confidence in expressing their desires and sexuality.
Marga Berlinski is an intimacy and relationship coach. She helps women, men and couples to feel confident, free and self-expressed in their love, relationships and intimacy. She offers a combination of coaching and powerful exercises to help you discover self-imposed constraints. She has been practicing for 15 years.